Story board



scene 1julian is waking up early in the morning and stretching his arms 
scene 2kevin is waking up early and stretching his arms 
scene 3 Gabriel is waking up early and stretching his arms 
scene 4 Julian is cutting a carrot and preparing breakfast 
scene 5 Kevin is measuring the amount of protein powder in a class of milk as i prepare my protein shake 
scene 6 Gabriel is cooking eggs for his breakfast lovingly and tossing the pan over the stove 
scene 7julian is jogging towards the camera while the camera moves with him 
scene 8kevin is jogging towards the camera while it moves with him 
scene 9gabreial is jogging towards the camera while the camera moves with him 
scene 10 Julian is performing cable rows while the camera is slowly in steady in he same position 
scene 11kevin is doing bicep curl while the camera is stationary 
scene 12 Gabriel I deadlifting while it is stationary 


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