Genre research: thrillers
Common CAMS:
- close up/extreme close up shots
- high angle shots
- low angle shots
- dutch angle shots
- wide shots
- panning shots
Common CLAMPS (mis-en-scene)
- side kicks
- suburban settings
- large city settings
- drab/darker colored costumes
- dim lighting
- A Haunting in Venice
- OldBoy
Elements I like in the genre:
The plot and story of thrillers are typically very intriguing. The dialogue and sound design can be very good and unique making the audience try and solve the mystery before the protagonist.
Elements I don't like in this genre:
The pacing in thriller films can be very confusing and hard to follow. The reuse of tropes such as spies, kidnap, and ransom can overly saturate this film genre.
Common Editing:
- splicing
- jump cuts
- cross cuts
- hard cuts
- flashbacks
- gradual focus
- ambient sound
- string intruments
- screams
- digetic whispering
- piano
- Momento
- Parasite
Common Sound:
Examples of films in this genre:
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