Group Blog

 Hi blog! My name is Kevin I will be working with two other people. One of the people I am working with my friend lance. He loves working out, so we have that in common. He has been working out for like 2 years. Plus, I know he will be a good partner because he cares about school and doing good, so I know he won't slack off. Also, our parents know each other so we will be able to film a good amount for our video. While being able to come up with ideas in person. He also comes a unique culture because he is Korean. We will lean about his discipline, and we can see his style of work and workout methods. My other partner is Julian he also likes working out. He has been working out with 2 years. He will be able to come and collaborate with us for the music video. He also has a different taste in music so we will have to come to a agreement for the video. It would be a good idea to pick a song that has something to do with working out because we all enjoy doing that. So we need a motivational song. The message has to be like never giving up and accomplishing things people doubt you with like weight loss. There I this one song by future last breath. This song shows you not to give up and motivate you. While people always put limits on you but its up to you to surpass them. That there is no limit on yourself just put your mind to it and you can accomplish it. That is the song we will be choosing for the music video.  


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